Just as many in Middle Tennessee are continuing to recover from the tornadoes that devastated many of our communities, now we face the next adversity of the Covid-19 outbreak. Many of you have been affected by the event / touring industries canceling shows and conferences. These are difficult days, make no mistake.
A friend once reflected, 1. this is your life 2. these are the terms… 3. now, what’s the invitation? There are some invitations under the rubble of difficulties we are all facing.
I heard someone say, “we haven’t lost control of our lives, we’ve lost the illusion we were ever in control.”
A sobering reminder that we are not in control, and never were. Our way and our peace are not efficient. If this is true, now what? Firstly, we must combat anxiety and fear with gratitude and life. When unprecedented events occur in our lifetime, we can help or we can hinder.
In collective efforts to slow the curve on the spreading of this virus, Luminous will be suspending Eucharist gatherings on Sundays at 4PM through the end of March. We realize that this is un-Anglican, but within the context of our parish, we deem this the best action. We will continue to assess and seek the wisest of counsels during these days. We pray that we can begin meeting again by Palm Sunday (4/5), but we do not know for certain.
Ways to stay connected:
The Luminous Podcast. Stay in rhythm with the lectionary / season.
Socials- The parish, myself, and many of us are choosing to responsibly lean into these mediums for needs and happenings.
Lean into Lent- These times are very Lent-like. Tim Head will share some encouragement early next week with this in mind.
You are not alone, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you are well and know for certain you have not been exposed, please be in one another’s lives. Share meals, drink, life… and wash your hands (with soap). If someone needs / finds toilet paper, let each other know. If someone runs out, spare a square. Be a neighbor. We will navigate the storms, together. If you have need for groceries or other needs, please let us know.
What is the invitation?
Peace be with you.
Fr. Chad