In our world the vulnerable continue to be exploited, the Church must create action in safeguarding the physical, emotional and spiritual health of every person in its care. We intend for everyone to have a safe spiritual space to be who they are without prejudice.

To help equip clergy, staff, & volunteers, we require safety and prevention training.

The wellbeing of our children & teenager’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health and safety is paramount in our parish life.

In the state of Tennessee everyone is deemed a mandated reporter as it relates to children. This means anyone with reasonable cause to believe a child is being abused or neglected must, under the law, immediately report to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services or to local law enforcement. The reporter may remain anonymous.

Spiritual Abuse

Our ongoing development for clergy encompasses crucial training in trauma-informed care, spiritual abuse prevention, and creating a holistic safe church culture.

Sexual Harassment

Our sexual harassment prevention training awareness helps our church not only avoid issues of sexual harassment but cultivate a work culture that is safe and healthy for everyone.

Leadership Function

In an effort to retain ethical function and accountability, our leadership functions together with the Vicar, Clergy, Vestry, and Staff to discern, plan, care, and remain in canonical integrity as well as the practice of transparency. Diocesan bishop is consulted when needed for practical and spiritual care. The congregation may always voice concern, dreams, and ideas of ministry and clarity.