Luminous Students is for youth in grades 6-12.

We believe that our students are a vital and active part of parish life. The ongoing formative growth of these young people takes place in our Holy Eucharist gatherings on Sundays as well as the portion together at church in class at 10AM for study, discussion, and sometimes donuts. 

One of our priests meet quarterly with the students for Catechism during the 10AM gathering time. This is for a deeper understanding of the beauty and meaning of the Way of Jesus, the Eucharist, and Anglicanism. Luminous Students are given opportunities for Confirmation and Baptism (if they weren’t baptized at a younger age).

Students are intentionally given space together on most Sundays, while other Sundays encouraged to be a part of Holy Eucharist the entire morning. Many students are an active part of the liturgy each week. There are also events and social gatherings that foster relationships and to let them be the teenagers they are. 

We want to partner with parents and families in the on-going spiritual development & awareness and to integrate / include these students with the parish. Students are a part of the Church now, today.